
Welcome to Heurist's innovative Create-to-Earn campaign, where your creativity is rewarded with ZK Tokens! As a protocol recipient of 2.4M ZK Token airdrop, Heurist is dedicated to giving them away to super-charge community growth.

Join the campaign here:

How to Participate

  1. Use Heurist Imagine to create your artwork

  2. Mint your creation as a zkImagine NFT

  3. Share your artwork and engage with the community

  4. Earn rewards from two distinct pools

If you're unsure what to create, take a look at past images in zkImagine collection or find inspiration from #heurist on Twitter!

Reward Pools

Rewards are distributed in weekly sprints. Only those with ZK token rewards >= 10 can receive rewards. You can claim your rewards at any time after the previous sprint rewards are distributed.

Pool 1: Minting Rewards

Pool 1 has a cap that is refreshed every sprint. Before the cap is reached, you can earn 2 ZK token from Pool 1 for every NFT you mint.

Pool 2: Leaderboard Rewards

  • Increase your score by minting, sharing, and engaging

  • Each NFT minted increases your score by 1

  • Gain additional scores by sharing on X (Twitter) and uploading to Gateway Network

  • Share your referral link. Both the referrer and the referee get 1 additional score for every paid mint.

  • Top 30 users on the leaderboard share ZK tokens from Pool 2 at the snapshot of the end of each sprint.

Pool 2 Reward Rules

Your share of Pool 2 depend on your ranking.

RankReward %











Last updated